 The Art of Ballooning 

Hot Air Balloon Flight Record - 02-04Aug2019
Bill and Diane | Jacquelyn and James

Launch:  Pittsfield, NH   Duration:  0:30 | 1:15
Land:  Local | Local   Distance:  1.4 | 1.5
Link To: Pittsfield, NH Balloon Festival
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Map of the flight

This is a Google Earth version of the track and should open in your local Google Earth. For more information or to install Google Earth on your system, go to Google Earth.

Friday evening looked good, but no sponsor around. We grapped a couple from the crowd to help and they got a flight. Headed NNE a little faster than expected but we still got a nice flight in landing in a new cul-de-sac where Gary Morgan was already giving tether rides after his landing. There were open fields further out with several other balloons, but the cul-de-sac was too good to pass up.

Saturday morning looked good, direction SW is not the best, but very quickly we shifted east. Thought we might go out to the baseball fields with Bob but dropped over the river to play and reversed course back to the park. Managed to move north into the pond for all the photographers on the bridge. Couldn't find a wind to get the last bit into the field. Ended up over the cemetary looking at various open areas, finally moving further north and landing on a road in an open section.

Saturday evening the weather was TOO unsettled with storms coming through so no one flew. We setup for the glow.

Sunday morning the forecast was for winds increasing early. Heavy fog when we first arrived delayed any inflations, and then it got late. Helped Adam teather some, eventually three balloons took off for a low and slow flight across the pond and into the cemetary.

Timelapse Video captured on a static mounted Sony HDR-AS100VR:

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