 The Art of Ballooning 

Hot Air Balloon Flight Record - 31Jul-02Aug2015
Robert | Elizabeth & Gary

Launch:  Pittsfield, NH   Duration:  1:20 | 1:05
Land:  Local | Local   Distance:  1.14 | 2.61
Link To: Pittsfield, NH Balloon Festival
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Map of the flight

This is a Google Earth version of the track and should open in your local Google Earth. For more information or to install Google Earth on your system, go to Google Earth.

Friday afternoon was windy and didn't drop in time for an evening flight, but we did the balloon glow on the field later.

Saturday morning was calm and clear. All balloons flew and we had a great flight. Headed north up the hill for a while and then made a 180 turn to almost return to the field. Veering east so we picked a nice large driveway to land.

Saturday afternoon was again windy and didn't drop in time. We also had some cumulus clouds that didn't dissipate until sunset. Another part of the group glowed Saturday evening.

Sunday morning was another calm and clear flight. We initially headed east with the pack, then turned west for a while to cross over yesterdays landing site. Climbed higher to turn east and follow the pack. Rather than land with them, we flew up the hill a ways and landed near Rudi.

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