 The Art of Ballooning 

Hot Air Balloon Flight Record - 06-08Jul2007
Stoweflake Balloon Rally - 21th Annual

Launch:  Stowe, VT - Stoweflake Inn   Duration:  :35 :55
Land:  Stowe, VT   Distance:  1.82 2.78
Link To: Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa
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Map of the flight

This is a Google Earth version of the track and should open in your local Google Earth. For more information or to install Google Earth on your system, go to Google Earth.

The forecast was for a very wet weekend. Friday afternoon we had two storm cells join just before they arrived at Stowe and dumped heavy rain. We had reasonably clear sky and calm winds behind the storm. After a weather hold to ensure it was the last cell building, we had a nice launch into slow surface winds.

Down low we tend to stay north of east, but a quick trip to 1200 feet moved us quickly ESE to keep us in the valley. Several balloons were heading for the soccer (Polo) fields and we followed. I was over the top of another balloon on approach so we landed further out in the field than I wanted, but when the crew arrived we walked back to the corner before deflating.

We expected fog for the morning, but it was fairly light an confined to the valley toward Morrisville.

An even slower departure, with a more wandering path into the golf course. We spent some time near Rick in his cloud hopper, and watched him snag a lost golf ball as he contoured over the ground. Eventually we again climbed to pick up speed and move ESE back into the valley. We passed the soccer fields but reversed some when we dropped. This time we landed further W in the original Polo fields.

Saturday afternoon rained, and in the evening when the rain would stop, the wind would rise so the flight was canceled. It rained all Saturday night and on through Sunday morning so that flight was also canceled.

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